Full Throttle Media to Film Giant Bluefin Tuna in Nova Scotia
Giant bluefin tuna and the beautiful waters off Nova Scotia await. Have you ever thought about what it would feel like to strap yourself to a dump truck and get your arms stretched? Well, that is the plan for next week. The power of the giant bluefin will test the sporting will of any angler. This majestic behemoth forced innovation on the sport fishing industry starting in the early twentieth century. Heavy tackle, fighting chairs and nimble sport fishing boats were what was needed to recon with these massive fish and still are today. This is not for the weak of heart.
Full Throttle Media producer Seth Horne along with RJ Boyle venture to the north atlantic to shoot the third segment of In the Spread. Their objective is to film a comprehensive instructional video on how to prepare for, catch and release one of sport fishing's greatest game fish. Legendary big game captains James "Chuy" Roberts and Andy Moyes join RJ and Seth in the spread on this epic adventure. Highlights and footage to follow soon. Stay tuned!
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