Full Throttle Media Set For A Busy 2013

As 2013 commences, Full Throttle Media prepares for a busy schedule that has it filming projects all the way in to the fall. Starting next week, the production team will begin filming four videos for the In the Spread instructional series. With two DVD's on the market, two coming to market in the first quarter, the four to be shot next week will make eight videos for In the Spread. A further sixteen are slated for production later this year. There are also a couple of yet to be disclosed productions in planning. So, we have a lot on our minds. With fingers crossed, we roll on.

This will be a BIG year for Full Throttle Media. The team is excited and gunning for a big splash with our digital distribution platform, which should be online by the first of April. Stay tuned for more announcements and releases.

Copyright © 2013, Full Throttle Media, Inc.

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