Sailfish Dredges and Teasers with Bill Pino of Squidantion

in the spread fishing sailfish dredges teasers bill pino squidnation

Bill Pino, of Squidnation, sits down with In The Spread to discuss his dredge fishing setup for sailfish in Central America. Learn how Bill and his teams win billfish tournaments year after year, with the insight he shares in this video.

Squidnation is at the top of the game when it comes to the development of dredges, teasers, squids and components. Their flippy floppy is a killer and a must have for any sailfishing boat. Watch as Bill Pino explains, in great detail, how he sets up his dredges and teasers for sailfish, so you can be at the top of your billfish game.

Watch the video here:

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